Supporting red drum research

Through citizen science on the GotOne app

Contribute to red drum research with your GotOne app

When you catch and log a red drum (redfish) along the Atlantic coastline or in Louisiana, GotOne will ask you if you’d like to share your catch data with scientists from the Atlantic States Marine Fisheries Commission or Louisiana’s Department of Wildlife and Fisheries, depending on your location.

Your data will be provided to fisheries scientists anonymously, and with your location generalized to a multi-mile region to protect your fishing spot.

You’ll be asked to provide a small amount of additional information about your catch, including the condition of the fish, whether it was released or kept, and whether you fished from your boat or with a guide.

ASMFC and LDWF are using this data to gain more insight into red drum to supplement other data they collect, for instance, through angler surveys.

As results from research on red drum become available, we will share them with GotOne anglers here on our website and in our newsletter!

Identifying red drum (redfish)

Red Drum (Sciaenops ocellatus) are renowned for their distinct reddish-bronze body color, which fades to a white underside. The body is elongated with an arched back and sloped head, along with two dorsal fins.

One of the most distinctive features is the presence of one or more large, black spots at the base of the tail. These spots are key identifiers and vary in size and location.

Juveniles are generally found in estuaries and are smaller in size, but adult red drum can grow quite large, often exceeding 40 inches in length and weighing up to 50 pounds.

Photo courtesy of U.S. Geological Survey

How to accurately record the length of a red drum

When recording the length of your red drum, either in Atlantic coastal waters or in Louisiana, you should use the total length of the fish. Measure in a straight line from the tip of the snout to the extreme tip of the tail fin. Adjust the tail by rotating or squeezing to obtain the maximum length of the fish.

Recording additional data about your redfish catch

When sharing your redfish catch data with our research partners at ASMFC and LDWF, in addition to the total length of the fish, you’ll be asked to record the following information. You do NOT have to fill out all the data if you are unable to do so, and remember, your catch logs are shared anonymously!

Disposition of catch:

  • Released - fish was landed and released

  • Kept - fish was landed and kept (harvested)

  • Lost - fish was hooked and species identified, but not landed

Photo courtesy Costa Sunglasses

Condition (if released):

  • Healthy - no noticeable injury to the fish when released

  • Gut-hooked - fish is hooked in the throat, gill or stomach

  • Dead - fish was not kept, but was unable to be revived

  • Other injury - fish was noticeably injured when released

Photo courtesy Costa Sunglasses


  • Private boat - fish caught from a private boat (not operated by a charter captain)

  • Shore - fish caught from shore

  • Charter / for-hire: fish caught from a boat operated by a charter captain

Photo courtesy Costa Sunglasses


  • Fly - fish caught fly fishing with a fly

  • Lure - fish caught with any other artificial bait

  • Bait - fish caught with live or dead bait

Photo courtesy Costa Sunglasses


For most anglers, determining the sex of redfish is very difficult, and there is no need to provide this information in the app. However, scientists and experienced fishermen use a few methods to determine their sex. Male redfish are known for producing a drumming sound, especially during the spawning season. This sound is produced by vibrating their swim bladders. Males are also identified during spawning season by applying light pressure along the abdomen in a posterior direction to expel milt.

More information about red drum research

For more information about research into redfish, check out the following resources:

  • The American Saltwater Guides Association website’s resources on redfish research, management and policy

  • ASMFC’s webpage on Atlantic redfish science and research, stock assessments, management and policy

  • LDWF’s webpage on red drum, current research, and Louisiana regulations and guidelines