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Frequently Asked Questions

  • When you catch a fish, just tap “GotOne” and specify the species and the length. The app takes care of the rest based on the time and location of your catch.

  • Based on the location and the date/time of your phone, and the species and length you provide, Got One will also record wind speed and direction, moon phase, tide stage, and water temperature.

  • If you are out of cell range and don’t have a connection to the internet at the time of your catch, GotOne records date/time, location, species, and length, and adds environmental data once it reestablishes an internet connection.

  • You can add a new catch at any time, then adjust the date/time and map location. GotOne will automatically record the proper environmental data to your log entry.Description text goes here

  • No! GotOne is not a fishing trip tracker. It only records the information related to an actual catch. Only you, as the user, have access to the specific map coordinates of each catch. GotOne shares anonymized data, generalized to 15-mile increments, with scientists and fisheries managers, so your favorite fishing spot is always protected.

  • Yes. For GotOne to work, it needs access to your phone’s GPS so that it record the location of your catch.

  • As any experienced angler knows, fish follow certain patterns and feed best under specific conditions. Changes in tides, moon phases and water temperature can have enormous impact on fishing success. Knowing when, where, and under what conditions you’ve caught the most fish is essential for becoming a better angler. This is where GotOne shines. By storing all the historical data from your catches, you can gain the insights needed to catch more fish.

  • By sharing anonymized and aggregated data about recreational angler catches, GotOne supports researchers by helping to monitor the migration, density, and condition of fish stocks. While GotOne doesn’t replace other scientific data tools, such as tags and surveys, it provides an important additional source of information to help scientists understand the fish and fisheries that we love.

  • GotOne works on both iPhone and Android devices.

  • GotOne is free to use, though we will be adding a subscription option for premium features in the future.